Sunland united projects، مورد محاصيل و محاصيل الصناعية من سلطنة عمان

High quality Black tea leaf grade A

سلطنة عمانمحاصيلمنذ 2 شهرًا
  1. أنبار آسيا
  2. التجارة مع سلطنة عمان
  3. Sunland United Projects
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High quality Black tea leaf grade A
High quality Black tea leaf grade A

High quality Black tea leaf grade A

This Iranian black tea is leaves and mountain tea.They grow in the Hyrcanian forests.and is completely organic without chemical color and taste. It is grade A with high quality. And unlike other teas, because it is organic, consuming it a lot throughout the day does not cause any problems for the body and has some medicinal properties. In fact, the essence of tea is its leaves. And our tea is leaves.

محاصيل الصناعية

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