Omega Graphite، مورد مواد بناء من الهند

Omega Graphite

الهندمواد بناءمنذ 14 شهرًا
  1. أنبار آسيا
  2. التجارة مع الهند
  3. Omega Graphite
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مكالمة هاتفيةبريد إلكترونيواتساب
بريد إلكتروني:
[email protected]
رقم الهاتف:
Omega Graphite
Omega Graphite

Omega Graphite

Omega Graphite is a leading Manufacturer of Chemical Process Equipments in Impervious Graphite construction. The company offers wide range o Impervious Graphite equipments including: Impervious Graphite Heat Exchangers in Cubic block, Shell and block and Shell and tube design, Falling film Type HCL Absorbers, Packed Column type Gas scrubbers, Impervious graphite Distillation columns, Sulfuric acid dilution-coolers, Impervious Graphite Vacuum Ejector system.Omega Engineering Corporation For wide range of Graphite Equipments.Omega Graphite has high thermal conductivity excellent resistance to corrosion and thermal shock. This makes graphite the most suitable material for Heat Trans for equipments handling corrosive media.Omega Engineering Corporation is involved in the manufacture of a wide range of Graphite Equipments.Omega Engineering Corporation is involved in the manufacture of a wide range of Graphite Equipments India, Mumbai, UAE, Saudi Arebia & Brazil.

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